Week 05 - 06 - Project 2 : Sense of place

02/02/2022-04/02/2022 - Week 5
08/02/2022-10/02/2022 - Week 6 
Tan Pei Yun (0345386) 
Design Principle 
Task 3 - Project 2
Sense of place (Progress & Final Outcome) 

Lectures Notes

Week 5 - 04/02/2022

Design thinking method can be observe in 3 easy steps with the method of of Rose,Thorn, Bud.The purpose of the rose thorn bud (RTB) is designed to identify what can be working (Rose), whats not (Thorn) and what can be improved (Buds) so it could be used by self-reflection , individual or group assignments even in daily live.

Figure 1. Design Thinking ; Rose Thorn Bud method

  • Rose = Positive (Good feeling associated)
  • Thorn = Negative (May not be necessary be all bad ; have to avoid) 
  • Bud = Potential (Opportunity, Ideas , Thought processes)

Observation requires taking on a beginner's mindset.By observing, we can empathize with the experience, understand the context, discover the hidden needs and get honest and unfettered feedback from the users.

  • Question to everything. Everything should be questioned , even things you be believe you understand should be questioned. It inquire about the users' perceptions of their surroundings. 
  • Be truly curious. A "why" should be followed by another "why". Try to look at things from different angle and perspective.
  • Look for patterns. Look for common threads that tell the same tale.
  • Listen. Allow time for everything to sink in and take in the scene. Pay attention to what's being stated to you or what's going on throughout your observation. 

Week 6 - 08/02/2022

"Studying the artwork and make your own into that artwork"

During week 6 lectures , we learnt about more in design thinking.Dr Charles giving us a simplify way to start our sense of place project by using these few steps 
  1. Observation 
  2. Analyse 
  3. Interpretation
  4. Create your own artwork


What is it meant by a sense of place ? 
Sense of place refers to the emotive bonds and attachments people develop or experience in particular locations and environments, at scales ranging from the home to the nation. Sense of place is also used to describe the distinctiveness or unique character of particular localities and region. 

Through this project, students once again are required to utilise and apply the design principles they have learnt to date in order to express a location of their choice. The place becomes the subject of the composition in which the design principles are applied to capture the social and environmental aspects, and even the time/s effects that will best express their intention/interpretation for a particular location. This requires the students to move beyond the classroom to the outer world and to employ their skills in capturing and communicating a complex relationship.


The post must contain:
1. a recap of Project 2 brief 
2. your design process:
  • visual research 
  • idea exploration and description 
  • final outcome in PDF and short rationale 
  • feedback by lecturer 
  • reflection on the project

Project 2 : Sense of place 

Visual research

Week 5 - 04/02/2022
  1. Film/Comedy - Cloudy with a chance of meatball 2. (October 3, 2013)

I was watching back one of my favourite movie from my childhood. It was super exciting when they released their second season in 2013, after their first season was released in 2009. Their plot is in high tech than the previous one and more innovative.The creativity at its best with concept of food + animals = foodimals. Plot is basic and easy to understand which have connected it with season 1 with the imagination, in overall tt is good watch to uplift your mood. Recommended !! 8 out of 10. 

Figure 2. Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2,2013

Figure 2.1 Scene from meatball 2 in Swallow Falls

Figure 2.2 Scene from meatball 2 ; Flint holding foodimals

The theme of cloud with a chance of meatballs is mainly about the weather and human environment interaction. While the town of Chewandswallow's weather is nothing like normal weather pattern, it show both visually and verbally to the reader how the people Chewandswallow interacts with their odd weather patterns and environment.

While the film visual is absolutely stunning of cloudy with a chance of meatball, it brings humour, fantasy, and imagination and leads the audience have the chance to imagine what a world like Chewandswallow would be like to live in. I love the colourful scenes are beautiful, and the human characters with their expressively huge eyes are charming and captivating. 

Production design of cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 
with commentary by Production Designer, Justin Thompson

Figure 2.3 The Foodimals (Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2)

However, it’s the “punny” foodimals that stole my attention. The flamangos, for example, are a mutant hybrid of flamingo birds and mangos, where the fruit-shaped head and the bird body fit together perfectly. The other completely zany creations, like the scary cheesespider that scurries around the island with legs made of fries, aren’t as breathtaking, but take the animation to a whole other level. Seriously, the artistic team behind Cloudy with a Chance Of Meatballs 2 is amazing. Love the every creative detail the movie has offer.

(Foodimals , short for Food Animals, are living food-bases creatures with the characteristics of animals that were created by Flint Lockwood's. They make their first appearance in the movie , cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 where they play a major role.)

Week 6 - 10/02/2022 

Figure 3. Photograph by KangHeeKim (@tinycactus)

Figure 3.1 Photography by KangHeeKim (@tinycactus)

KangHee Kim is the New York-based artist whose work is loved on the digital landscape which looked slightly surreal, with brightness and clean lines. I admire how Kim's photographs collapse boundaries between the real and the fantastical. Is pleasant to look at aesthetic of her images , accentuated by the use of calming and pleasant colours. I highly recommended to take a look at her instagram and website, every single photographs is amazing !

Figure 4. Digital Collage by Shuraideh (@vertigo.artogrsphy)

Figure 4.1 Digital Collage by Shuraideh (@vertigo.artogrsphy)

I love how Shuraideh create surreal collage wall art using mixed media with his own photography and selected vintage imagery. From his interview that I saw , he get many ideas from everyday life, people’s behavior and general social influences. Quirky, thought provoking, fun, kitsch, edgy, sinister or dark with a funny twis is what I can describe about Mohanad Shuraideh  photography and digital collage artworks.

Idea exploration 


Dear Travelling, I miss you.
While scrolling through my camera roll, it brings all the memories back and a sense of satisfaction with a smile to my face. I thing I knew "I missed travelling" The pandemic has impacted us in so many ways and changed our perspective of looking at life , with the coronavirus pandemic still in vogue, the travel industry had definitely suffered. With numerous flights cancelled, hostels closed down, local tourism hit affecting the livelihood of many people, we have felt the pinch of no travel.

Figure 4. My Photographs In Japan Fukuoka, 15/01/2020

Having the chance to visit Japan before the very first pandemic lockdown was extremely lucky. Everything seems to have been destined. When we decided to visit Fukuoka, we struggled whether to choose January or April to visit Fukuoka. Imagine if is April, I guessed our plan ticket would be canceled and don't know when will be the next trip again. There was no face mask and no SOP rules everywhere and we really enjoyed ourselves without worrying about viruses at that time. The whole trip was really valuable to me, but still I can't really put into words exactly how I really felt.

Figure 4.1 Sakura In Japan Osaka, 10/04/2018

Figure 4.2 Me holding sakura in Japan Osaka, 10/04/2018

 Everything seemed so wonderful and sweet in Japan. It felt amazing to see actual sakura via my own eyes after seeing them all over Pinterest. The most popular cherry blossom tradition in Japan is to enjoy the colour of the blossom. It caused me to take a breather while wandering to take in the beauty of the sakura flowers. Love how it represents both birth and death, beauty and violence; the sakura's beauty is fleeting and beautiful.

Figure 4.3 Universal Studio Japan in Osaka, 12/04/2018

Figure 4.4 Universal Studio Japan in Osaka, 12/04/2018

This past few years has been difficult, not only me, but all of us felt emotionally. That's why I love how travel is like a  form of escape. Escape from routine with doing tons of exam and assignments, escape from my daily life , escape from my daily surrounding. When travelling , I can break my daily cycle and enter into a different zone. I able to try new cuisines , meet new people and in a new surroundings. Its feel charged up and energetic breaking the routine and getting out of my comfort zone too. I can freely leave behind all of my worries, stress and tensions and just experience happy emotions when I was travelling. It leave my monotonous lives behind for newer experiences.


Week 6 - 08/02/2022

In this project, I came up with the concept of a place I had been missing for a long time. The spot where I can allow myself to be enchanted by the beauty that it has to offer.The place where is being limitless and gives me everything is beyond reality, sometimes beyond my own imagination where I can get to live in illusion that makes me happy.

Figure 5. Digital collage; Landscapes ; Drawing Guide 

This time, I wanted to experiment with digital collage, which required me to gather a variety of sources in order to create a design. I attempt to get free stock photos and materials on pexels and PNG.tree that would match my theme also the context that I want to bring together the visual to express it out.

Figure 5.1 Digital Collage ; Source From pexels 

And here's a landscape that catch my eye,  I particularly enjoy the mountain reflection, which somehow reminds me of a Bob Ross painting. I like shape of the arc frame's shape as well as and the girls who  holdings the mirror.

Figure 5.1 Explore and using curves tool 

As always from any of my previous project, I love to start in using "curve" tool from Procreate. I love how the powerful curves tool is which can immediately change the exposure, colour, shadows and highlight for the photo. I trying the first time by adjusting the "gamma" and for the second time in the "red" part tool.

Figure 5.2 Adding background in swirl ; close-up 

After using the curves tool that turn out the colour which I expect. And here I adding the background which were in swilling as well as the river (reflection). After that, I add the girl at the middle part and it will be more emphasis as she was in black and white.

Figure 5.3 Source from pexels ; Lightning 

Figure 5.4 PNG source from pngtree

Figure 5.3 Adding Bokeh as overlay ; Create candy mountain

While looking at the Candy from PNG.tree and it looks like a mountain to me. I try to add above the mountain and good things was it fits. I love how it turns out and reminds me again to the movie from Cloudy with a chance of meatball. Besides, I also add a bokeh as an overlay for the bottom part.

Figure 5.4 Adding Arc shape buildings

The arc frame reminds of me back to Japan trip, I decided to use as in my sense of place project, I crop it out and place in the middle and add some shadow to enhance the overall feeling about the collage. 

Figure 5.5 Adding flower as touch-up

Before it called as a final outcome , I observe and felt like there's something left and empty at the ground part. So I add some flowers to occupied the space.

Final Outcome - Sense Of Place 

Figure 5.7 Final Outcome ; "Magical Wanderlust"

Figure 5.8 Final Outcome , "Magical Wanderlust"


Be in my own wonderland. wish the time stop and never awake me up. Please keep me from reality and let me enjoy the moment while it lasts in this place. Let’s find that magical place and live in there. The place that is filled with magic and beauty. I just need to escape reality for a while.I know real life has become a norm and has been formed by the people around us in ways that are not perfect for us, since one would only consider themselves and their need and wants. Escapism provides a place to figure out issues we all have in our lives and particularly in my own.

"And above all, watch with glittery eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." 
--------Roald Dahl

Design Principle And Element Implied :
  • Contrast - Cotrasting both light (environment) and dark (shadow) of the girl
  • Emphasis- putting the girl at the middle in the shadow in a spotlight create visual interest.
  • Harmony - analogues colours of sky and the mountain with the colour in blue, cyan, green
  • Texture - Grainy texture at the mountain and trees
  • Variety - Variety of colours, values and texture can be seen in mountain and trees.
  • Movement- the flowing movement of skywith the reflection at the river.
  • Composition - "frame within frame"

                                                  Figure 6. Sense of place, PDF, "Magical Wanderlust"



I can defiantly feel the improvement in me well not only in my design work but most probably in design thinking too.Besides from the project, one thing that I realize is I started falling in love with my own imagination. Imagination is everything.Because in my own world of imagination, I am the creator, I am the destroyer too. The imaginative worlds can gives the power to do anything which is not possible in the real world.Sometime I like how the lots of idea running my brain in every direction, it lets me know my boundaries and my desires , even if in my imagination , those desires get fulfilled, I feel satisfied. In Overall , I satisfied with the final outcome, is beyond my imagination , I getting better and comfortable in myself just feel like unlock into new level again.

Figure 5.1 Digital Collage Background; Source From https://www.pexels.com/
Figure 5.3 Bokeh & Lightning , Source From https://www.pexels.com/
Figure 5.4 PNG source from https://pngtree.com/
Figure 1. Design Thinking ; Rose Thorn Bud method https://easyretro.io/templates/rose-bud-thorn/

Further Reading
 Nast, C., 2013. Get Visual With the Art of Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. [online] Wired. <https://www.wired.com/2009/10/get-visual-with-the-art-of-cloudy-with-a-chance-of-meatballs/> 

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Wiki. 2013. Foodimals. [online]<https://cloudywithachanceofmeatballs.fandom.com/wiki/Foodimals> 

Carter, F., 2019. New York-Based Artist KangHee Kim Provides Contemporary Surrealism. [online] Forbes. <https://www.forbes.com/sites/felicitycarter/2019/08/29/new-york-based-artist-kanghee-kim-provides-contemporary-surrealism/?sh=73e3f896494e> 


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