Week 03 - Project 1 : Self-Portrait (About Me , Inspiration & Ideas)

18/01/2022-20/01/2022 - Week 3

Tan Pei Yun (0345386) 
Design Principle 

Task 2 - Project 1 
Self-Portrait ; Progress (About Me, Inspiration & Ideas)

Lectures Notes

"Designing your life"

Observe & Empathy 
In design thinking, it it aim to understand the people for whom we are designing products or services. This helps us observe and develop empathy for the target audience.

Design thinking helps us in the process of questioning. Questioning the problem , questioning the assumptions and questioning the implications. 

Design thinking is extremely useful in tackling problems that are ill-defined or unknown, by re-framing the problem in human-centric ways, creating many ideas in brainstorming session.

Design thinking also involves ongoing experimentation : sketching, prototyping, testing and trying out concepts and ideas.

Always ask yourself "why?" 
The important thing is not to stop questioning ; curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but in awe when contemplating the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvellous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of the mystery every day. The important thing is not to stop questioning ; never lose a holy curiosity.



Create a portrait of yourself by applying the various principles that you had learnt through these weeks.

The self-portrait allows the student to investigate both historical and contemporary forms of self-expression and also to review the design principles covered and thus better inform their particular direction. They are also now free to use any media and to even consider working 3D or digitally. As with the first weeks of class, the classroom is a lab for interaction, experimentation and critique. Students explore a range of possibilities and are able to better determine an outcome through the critiques either individually with the teachers and/or select students or with the class as a whole. They also are encouraged to look both critically and historically at the work of other designers and artists.

Upload Project 1 to your blog. The post must contain: 
1. a recap of Project 1 brief
 2. your design process: 
  • visual research 
  • idea exploration and description 
  • final outcome in PDF and short rationale 
  • feedback by lecturer 
  • reflection on the project

Project 1 : Self-Portrait 

Figure 1. About Me :D

About Me 
What exactly is a self-portrait ? What is the main purpose of portrait ? What can I learnt from self-portraits? Every-time I think about this project, these 3 question what, why and how questions keep pop up at my mind.

Why do people enjoy taking self-portraits nowadays? Well probably they most likely to enjoy exploring and better understand themselves ? Or maybe they simply wish to express themselves to others . As based on my "complex" personality , just by looking at it my Instagram, I can tell that I don't take selfie /photos of myself in a day or even a year....

I do not sure how and what to say.  Is it simple I just shy ? Am I just lack of confidence ? Or maybe low self-esteem ? I knew every year I had changed each year, but honestly I still not really know what my true personality was, so I did some research and took a 16personalities test, and here's the result of me :

Figure 1.2 Personality result ; INFJ-T

  • Introversion (I) - Tend to be reserved , quiet and have a small circle of close friends
  • Intuition (N) - Prefer abstract concepts and tend to focus on the big picture rather than concrete details
  • Feeling (F) - Place a greater emphasis on personal concerns than objective facts when making decisions
  • Judging (J) - Like to exert control by planning, organizing and making decisions as early as possible.

 INFJs are sometimes called the "extroverted introverts" or even ambiverts, Which can be both incredibly shy, quiet and withdrawn, as well as charming, fun and hilarious. As an INFJ, it's all about the situation, mood and energy levels and the most important , the people of me with. It just unbelievable that how all the traits I saw from 16personalities is so related to me. I can tell INFJs are the classic example of equal and opposite site and it's really hard to main balance these two opposite traits.

Figure 2 . About PeiYun ; INFJ


                                                            Figure 2 .1 About PeiYun ; Mind Map

I created a mind map of myself to learn more about myself.I personally think the hardest part of me is that I struggle with balancing two opposite traits of my personality . I do tend to be hardworking, but I'm also lazy. I procrastinate but I am a slightly perfectionist.  I always optimistic about my goals but i also pessimistic about them. I dislike not having a plan or being unprepared, I dislike following a routine or a list as it always makes me feel rushed. I like to have a lot of friends , but i fear social interactions with all of my hearts.Compliments make me feel positive about myself, but they also make me feel undeserving. See how confusing and frustrating that is. Still, I made progress, I was getting to know myself better and better.

Extra*** Found some memes which really related to me ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

Although socializing and making new friends is fun sometimes, but thinking about maintaining my relationship with friends can be difficult for me. I worry about whether I'm being a reliable friend, is a whole other worry for me, and plus shy personalities, which leaves me feeling awkward a lot, I tend to be the quiet type during class, although I can be talkative too. My inner world can be pretty complicated. There's still a lot to learn yet I'm still learning how to take care of it. 

Visual Research
Inspiration #1

Figure 3. Inspiration , Kari-Lise Alexander


The art of Kari-Lise focuses on feminine from through a dreamlike aesthetic that echoes a hidden soliloquy. Her work often reflects these worlds through the images of women, nature, and animals she paints. I like how she tends to make the viewer feel as if they are experiencing the same private moment as the subject. 

Inspiration #2

Figure 3.1 Inspiration, ShelbyDeGarmo

DeGarmo's work can easily be identified with her signature style of using bright colours paired with subjects such as animals, nature and women. Her paintings radiates feelings of warm childhood nostalgia with a soft touch of grief and longing people and memories gone by. 

Soft-hued pink and lilacs compliment vivid greens and sunshine yellows creating a perfect balance between the natural world and enchanted fairytale. Animals and people blend together in harmony within her work to create a fantastical cottage core world that has its roots firmly set within the natural world.


Figure 4. Mood-board 

As you can tell , I'm the type of person who finds comfort in soft and colourful hues. Not sure if this has anything to do with my personality. However, the colours can make me feel different emotions. I think I mostly find them to be peaceful and almost magical, the colours and hold so much emotion in them and I try to surround myself with as many of them as I can in my living space.


Figure 5. Ideas 

  • Moody (Generate my emotions and feelings)
  • Face And Eyes Expression (Emphasis ;focal point ; draw viewer's attention)
  • Personality (Describe myself , my personality in colours)

Progress In Week 04 

(( Final Progress, outcome and feedback for self-portrait 
will be in week 04 , click here Project 01-week-04 -final outcome
to check them out ))


"There will be non-stop search, learning , self-growth and development in ME."

Initially, I thought it was just me who couldn't understand myself during the blur moment. The feeling of relatable while listening to my classmates talking about their portrait, they feel the same as me, some of them said " Well... I am not sure about my personality" or " I'm not sure about how i really feel".

It make me realise how important of knowing myself is, it took forever for us to learn who we are as a person, the real us. This journey inspires me deeply as it brings me face-to-face with my deepest fears, self-doubt, insecurities, vulnerabilities. Knowing yourself can be a challenging and scary experience, knowing yourself means respecting my strengths and weakness, passion and fears, desires, dreams, thoughts and feelings. However, it also changes over time. However it also changes over time. For me remembering "This Too Shall Pass" was a gift and the work does pay off.

Further reading
 Bored Panda. 2022. 21 Powerful Photos Of People’s Eyes That Say More Than Words Ever Could. [online] 
Available at: <https://www.boredpanda.com/powerful-photos-of-peoples-eyes/?> [Accessed 30 January 2022].

GATA. 2022. SILLDA: Repressed Desires — GATA. [online] 
Available at: <https://gatamagazine.com/articles/art/silllda> [Accessed 30 January 2022].

 Kari-Lise Alexander. 2022. ABOUT — Kari-Lise Alexander. [online] 
Available at: <https://kari-lise.com/about> [Accessed 30 January 2022].

Beautifulbizarre.net. 2022. Shelby DeGarmo: Compassion, Nostalgia and The Painting Pixie – Beautiful Bizarre Magazine. [online] 
Available at: <https://beautifulbizarre.net/2022/01/14/shelby-degarmo-interview/> [Accessed 30 January 2022].

Friis Dam, R., 2022. What is Design Thinking and Why Is It So Popular?. [online] The Interaction Design Foundation. Available at: <https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/what-is-design-thinking-and-why-is-it-so-popular> [Accessed 30 January 2022].


  1. Absolutely Marvelous! What an incredible solution to the dilemma you were facing. Trust me, getting to know yourself is a lifetime journey! For now its what you are on the way there! And some are sure but some are discovering. the latter is probably true about you! How did I know this? simple. I just looked at your final work! and it spoke to me! The focal point to your eye! the overlapping images the depth of field effect and also animating it! superb! Look at this again at some point! you will be looking at you!


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