Final Compilation & Reflection

Tan Pei Yun (0345386) 
Design Principle 
Final Compilation & Reflection

 Week 01 - Introduction to Design Principle 
Week 02 - Exercises
Week 03 --- 04 - Project 1 : Self-Portrait 
Week 05 --- 06 - Project 2 : Sense of place
Week 07 - Final Project  : Visual Analyse

Exercise 01 -  Design Principle Exercises

Choose TWO principles from Gestalt theory / Contrast / Emphasis / Balance / Repetition / Movement / Harmony / Unity / Symbol / Word and Image Create 1 design for each chosen principle 

  •  Contrast

Figure 1. Contrast (Final outcome) 


  •  Repetition 

Figure 2. Repetition (Final outcome) 


Project 01 -  Self-Portrait

Figure 3. Self-portrait (GIF)

Figure 3. Self-portrait (Final outcome)

Project 02 -  Sense of Place

Figure 4 Final Outcome GIF , "Magical Wanderlust"

Figure 4.1 Final Outcome , "Magical Wanderlust"

Final Project -  Visual Analyse 

Figure 5. Visual Analyse ; "Repeat and Rebloom" (JPG)

Figure 5. Visual Analyse ; "Repeat and Rebloom" (Final outcome)


What have I learnt in this module? 

I remember my first week of writing weekly reflections, I had no idea what I was doing. My self-esteem is certainly low and I have been asking myself to at least remain positive as the negative thoughts keep growing in my heart. Slowly , I began to get much better with time, and became easier with experience. The experience is truly unique while working with few different assignment. As a result of this module, I have developed a solid understanding of problem solving with critical and creative thinking and a better understanding of the elements and principles of design, and each of their respective impact and usefulness. In every design I do, I try to take more risks and experiment a lot, which is both challenging and fun. Never give up until the end result finally comes.

 What did I enjoy the most? 

The part of assignment where the student can be creative and work on their own project is my favorite. I enjoyed every class and the motivation Dr Charles always gave us. He's a great professional and gave us good advice on how to work better on our assignments. The teaching style provided by him is friendly enough and down to earth. Every student in class is very kind and supportive of one another's art. I never forgot about the part where I received many compliments at once while presenting my self-portrait during the class which gains motivation to do a lot more better for the next projects.

 What did I not enjoy the most?

I can feel myself doing the first exercise is not as fun and enjoyment, but more into caution and serious as I do it. Also, it was the first semester and everything was still new to me. New environment, new way of learning, and more projects to do, my mind started to clutter. I didn't fit in very well at first, and it made me feel stressed in that moment.

What have I learnt about myself through this module? 

Confidence is key. I used to get tired of the thoughts of ​​standing up to share and show other people my work, and of course I was really nervous. Overthinking was holding me back, "Am I right?" "Do I sound nervous?" "Will they like my work?" I realised that what scares me the most gives me the greatest opportunity to grow. Clearly, self-confidence can motivate oneself to take on new challenges, such as public speaking. It's important to acknowledge that building confidence is an ongoing process, not a one-time goal. As confidence grows, so do the challenges that must be accepted.

Don't compare with others. There is always room for improvement , but I hope I can remind myself that don't compare with others , and instead compare with myself more from the past and embrace with the achievements, even the little ones, because everyone are all different and we have our own path. 

Everything that I have gained in this module is all important and critical for my growth as a person development. I intend to apply all my knowledge and experiences as I write this reflection and as I continue to walk down the path that I am destined to go.

 What has changed and what has not in my learning journey? 

I can feel the change in my self-esteem, where I can still recognised something I am good about which impacts on my decision making to develop a more balanced and accurate view of myself.  I feel more inspired to take more on new challenges and not forget to treat myself more with kindness and encouragement. 

One thing has not in my learning journey yet probably will be the social skills where I don't really interact with others. I always quite independent and shy being the first to talk especially we are in different learning environment as having online class. 

What could be improved in this module?

Sadly, the module is not having any physical class. I was hoping there will be more fun activities to join and interact with others if is face to face class. 


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