Week 04 - Project 1 : Self-Portrait (Progress & Final Outcome)

25/01/2022-27/01/2022 - Week 4

Tan Pei Yun (0345386) 
Design Principle 

Task 2 - Project 1 
Self-Portrait Progress & Final Outcome 

Lectures Notes

"Every design starts from a problem."

 We should ensure that we understand and have defined the problem before creating any design, for instance by using a problem statement. This will not only help to build a shared understanding of the problem, but will also provide a focus for the rest of the process.

1.What is the problem ?
2.Who is affected ?
3.When does it happen?
4.Where does it happen?
5.Why does solving it matter?

Project 1 : Self-Portrait (Progress & Final Outcome)

What is a self-portrait?

 A self-portrait is like a visual representation of you .It can be like a bunch of different colours or shapes. It doesn't even have to be your own face .It could be abstract , not showing your face too. 

Idea exploration & Progress

Colour Palette

Figure 1. Colour Palette ; holographic 

Starting by choosing a colour palette ,I really like the holographic type of colour that i saw from Pantone, so I decided to go with something soft but looks cheerful at the same time. 

Figure 1.2 Colour Palette ; holographic 
Soft colour palette
  • Pleasant to look at
  • Creates a sense of harmony whether in artwork , photography and design 
  • Makes it enjoyable , Brings content forward 


Figure 2. Experimenting ; reference
       Source : from pexels , I found this flower looks attractive and decided to transform into other colour

Figure 2. Experimenting ; gradient map

First step where choosing a set of soft colour palette in gradient map for the flower.

Figure 2. Experimenting ; curves

             Editing and adjusting the colour into more "holographic" colour and feels in curves tool.
Figure 2. Experimenting ; gradient map

Reference picture as the left side ; checking with the final colours palette

Figure 2. Experimenting ; before and after

Colouring with gradient map tool : 
Explore and trying out in gradient map effect that I learnt from youtube. It gives a totally new look and different feelings. The gradient map is the tonal range of an image (flower) to the colours of a gradient fill. Tonal range describes the image's colours , with the lightest colour (usually white) at one end and the darkest colour (usually black) at the other end.


Figure 4. Progress , Curves ; Gradient Map
Starting by using my using my own photo (reference) and editing the colour using curves and gradient map tool 
Figure 4.1 Progress , Adding "Make-up"
I decided to slightly change how I look to emphasis more about me. I found the creative makeup while scrolling through Pinterest. I love the pink which really catch the viewer attention.

Figure 4.2 Progress , Adding Flowers
Using the gaussian blur effect and putting the flowers around me 

Figure 4.3 Progress , Adding Background
From the previous feedback during week 3 , Dr Charles suggest me to think about the background part and so I decided to play around with the background. 
Figure 4.4 Progress , Editing Colours

At the end , I decided to slightly giving a vibrant colour , I increase the saturation to 80% as well as adjusting the hue and brightness together. Lastly , using the curves tool.

Final Outcome - "Emotion" 

Figure 4.5 Final Outcome of "Emotion"

And here's the final outcome, it really meet my expectation. Starting from the ideas, learning and understanding about my personality, choosing the colour combination that i like and finally it comes to me. That's me, Pei Yun. I am basically made of nothing but love, hope and wisdom, with an ice-cold exterior that only melts for my nearest and dearest. I hate being sensitive, I hate being able to detect the slightest change in the way people talk or look at me.I am an overly emotional unemotional clingy but distant private person who likes to overshare at any moment and I'm still trying to figure it out how all that works.



Click on the link below where I show some timelapse for the progression !


  • "It works ! " ( Sir love it how it turns out )
  • The portrait does not look shy but more into "mystery" feeling
  • Love how the transformation 
  • Implied really well in Gestalt Idea in the portrait
  • That one patch of pink made sir want to question . what is it about ? 
  • Suggest to cover the patch of pink up , or add the gaussian blur back 
  • Able to balance the gap
  • Very interesting decision making to the portrait 
  • Love how it not exactly centered have a sense of mystery feeling
  • The use of colours and in a nice spectrum colour  
  • Imagine wearing a VR headset , there's flower around , turning around and there's person watching you 
  • Keep going!!Nice, Very Good 
Feedback from my course-mates :D
  • There's a good sense of emphasis , where focus on my face very well
  • Looks like an album cover !!


"Take small steps everyday and eventually you will get there."
Honestly, I did not expect for lovely feedbacks from Dr. Charles and my classmates , this was the very first time showing my design at class in during degree and it just felt like received to many love at the same time , felt so unreal. Words can really describe how i felt but i do felt super grateful to have this project with me, it really makes me understand about myself more and this is such a great start for me in this 2022. The project went a lot more smoother than i thought, probably is the design thinking really works on me , the steps by steps works. 

Figure 1. Colour Palette ; holographic , https://www.pinterest.com/pin/817614507335753579/

Further reading


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