Application Design 1 - Class Exercises & Group Activity

 07/04/2023 - 0/0/2023
Week 1-Week 14
Tan Pei Yun / 0345386
Application Design 1 /Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Exercises & Group Activity 



Week 2
Group Activity 

Week 2 - Group Activity 

Key Principle of Usability
  1. Consistency

  2. Simplicity

  3. Visibility

  4. Feedback

  5. Error Prevention

During this week is where we learnt about usability and the key Principle of Usability, and our class activity is about conduct research on the way-finding system in Taylor’s University to learn about the different types of users and their needs, such as visitors, students, and people with disabilities. Identify common problems that users encounter when using the way finding system.

Below are the video that we were able to record and document in our blog. To be honest, we didn't perform at our best during this initial task. However, as we engaged in more group activities, we noticed improvements in our teamwork and collaboration. With each project, we are gradually getting better and more efficient in achieving our goals.

Week 4 - Proof of Rajin

We use both paper and digital that allows us to sketch out the wireframe 

Week 4 - Group Activity 

Week 4 
Card sorting 
Week 4 - Group Activity 

Week 4 - Wefie 

We learned about card sorting, a method to identify common patterns and themes among user-created groups and categories. As we practiced and presented our ideas, we got better at explaining the card sorting process too. Now, we feel more confident in understanding user behavior and preferences, which helps us design better user experiences in the future.

Week 4 - Group Activity 

Week 5
Group Activity - User Journey Map

Crystal's Journey Map

I was unable to join the team and doing the PP coffee user journey map , however the team would update me hows the progress and what did they done during this week. Glad that the team work and enjoy during this task and did a very good job in presenting.

Famous PP Koppi

Week 6 
User Persona

Group Activity - User Persona

You are designing a mobile app for a local coffee shop that allows customers to order and pay for their coffee and food ahead of time, and pick it up at the store.

To create user personas for this app, you can follow these steps:
Identify the different types of customers who might use this app. Based on your assumptions and prior knowledge, brainstorm a list of different types of customers.

For example, you might come up with the following:
Busy professionals who want to save time by ordering and paying for their coffee and food ahead of time.
Students who need to grab a quick coffee and snack in between classes.
Parents with young children who want to avoid long wait times in line.
Coffee enthusiasts who want to customize their orders and try new menu items.
Elderly customers prefer the convenience of ordering from their phones rather than standing in line.

For each type of customer, create a user persona that includes the following information:
Name: Give each persona a name that represents their personality and background.
Demographics: Include details such as age, gender, occupation, income, education level, and location.
Goals and motivations: What are the goals and motivations of this persona? What drives them to use the app?
Pain points and challenges: What are the pain points and challenges that this persona experiences when using the app?
Behaviors and preferences: How does this persona typically interact with the app? What are their preferences for using it?

Group Activity - User Persona

Week 9
User Interface Design Principles

Class Exercise - User interface design principle

This class exercise is where we have to replicate the app interface as closely as possible, requires to pay attention to details such as colour, typography, and layout. Once the interface has been replicated, assess how well it conforms to user interface design principles.

Progress in Figma
 I chose Airbnb and replicated several different scenes. Below is the Figma link to my project : 

Final Exercises - Duplicate Airbnb


Participating in the application design group activity and class exercises has been such an eye-opening experience! I believe that I had learned much throughout this journey. Firstly, working with the team taught me more into communication skills . Sharing ideas and listening to others helped us come up with some really cool stuff together.We got hands-on experience with wireframes, user interfaces, and even usability testing! But the best part was our team's diversity. Each member brought their own strengths, and together, we nailed the project with a well-rounded and awesome final design. Being flexible was super important too! As we faced challenges and feedback, we adapted like pros. Embracing change made our design even better


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