Application Design 1 - Task 2 : UI/UX Design Document : GongCha Mobile Application


07/04/2023 - 0/0/2023
Week 1-Week 14
Tan Pei Yun / 0345386
Application Design 1 /Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Task 2 : UI/UX Design Document :  GongCha Mobile Application


Task 2 : UI/UX Design Document  

➔ Design Thinking Skills 

Fig x Design thinking skills 

Before the UI/UX had started, I find it quite interesting to learn about design thinking skills from the tutorial class. User-centred design thinking process that helps me a lot to further on in the next step by doing the UI/UX document , wireframe and lastly to prototype.

Empathise — Gain a deep understanding of the needs and pain points of GongCha app users. Conduct user research, interviews, and observations to empathize with their experiences and challenges. Identify their preferences, frustrations, and desires related to the app

Define —  Define the problem statement and key design challenges based on the insights gained from the empathy phase. Clearly articulate the goals and objectives of the redesign project. This will help guide the design process and ensure alignment with user needs

Ideate— Generate a wide range of ideas and potential solutions to address the identified design challenges. Encourage brainstorming sessions and collaboration among the design team. Explore different possibilities, considering both incremental improvements and radical innovations

Prototype — Create low-fidelity prototypes to visualize and test your ideas. Use wire-framing tools or paper prototypes to quickly iterate and refine the design concepts. Focus on the key features and functionalities that will enhance the user experience and align with the project goals

TestGather feedback from users by conducting usability testing and gathering user insights. Observe how users interact with the prototypes and listen to their feedback. Use their input to refine and iterate the design further. Iterate on the design based on the feedback received, ensuring that it aligns with user expectations and needs

➔ Introduction

 Introduction of UI/UX Document about GongCha Mobile App

 I began with an introductory section that outlined the purpose, objectives, and target audience of the GongCha application. The primary aim of this UI/UX design document is to delineate the design approach and considerations for enhancing the user interface and overall user experience of the GongCha Bubble Tea application 

The target audience for this UI/UX design document is broad and inclusive of all users who engage with bubble tea applications. It aims to cater to the needs and preferences of a diverse range of users, ensuring that the design improvements resonate with a wide user base and enhance their overall interaction with the GongCha Bubble Tea app.

➔ User Research

Competitive Analysis with different bubble tea brands

Bubble tea brands that I had compared and analysis : 
-Happy Lemon

Before doing the user research, I started by doing the analysis and compare different bubble tea barans and looked at how each app works, what it can done, how it user interface looks, and how people feel when using it. That able to help me see what each app is potential and good at and where it needs improvement. By comparing different apps, I able to learn what makes each one special and what can make the GongCha app even better.

 User Research in UI/UX Document about GongCha Mobile App

In the document, I had provided an overview of the user interface design, drawing insights from the findings of a user research conducted through a Google Form survey. The research had helped me to identify areas for improvement and guided the design decisions to create a more optimal user experience for the GongCha application

Example of different section of question in Google Form

Inside the survey which will covered aspects of the user interface, including layout, navigation, visual design, ease of use, and functionality. It is too see what their needs were when ordering beverages from the current mobile app design, main areas of the app that needed improvement, and their expectations for the mobile app

➔ Information Architecture

Card sorting in optimal workshop 

During the design process of the GongCha app, I conducted a card sorting activity. This involved organizing and categorizing different features and functionalities of the app. Participants were given a set of cards representing various app elements, such as menu options, customization features, loyalty rewards, and order tracking. They were then asked to group these cards based on their perception and understanding of how these elements should be organized

➔ MVP (Minimun Viable Product) Features

 MVP Features in GongCha applications

After conducting through user research
and understanding the needs and preferences of GongCha app users, I identified the important features for the app. These features were selected based on user behaviors, feedback, and what users wanted the most also providing essential functionalities to create a valuable and usable experience for users.

➔ User Flow
User Journey Map about GongCha App

This is where have to plan the user interaction and interactivity of the App by creating a user flow diagram that illustrates the user's journey through the App. I find it that user journey mapping is an essential step that able to help and creating a seamless and enjoyable experience for app users. Therefore I stated there this user journey map is started by downloads the app and in the end user able to explore how they can effortlessly make payments and enjoy loyalty rewards.

➔ Final UI/UX Document Slides - GongCha App 

Reflecting on the journey of creating this UI/UX document for the GongCha Bubble Tea mobile app, I have to admit, it's been both exciting and tiring. Designing and planning for an app that can be user-friendly and visually appealing requires lots of systematic steps, and sometimes I felt overwhelmed. I learned that every step in the process is crucial. From understanding user needs to testing and keep on. researching for other related app , each phase contributes to its success. Though it was challenging,  I saw the potential of the app and the joy it could bring to users. The hard work paid off, and I feel proud of what I've accomplished. Overall, this journey taught me to be patient, persevere, and pay attention to the little things. I'm excited to share the app's design and hope it brings delight to its users.


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