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Major Project - ArtGather

  25/09/2024 - 18/01/2024 Week 1 - Week 15 Tan Pei Yun / 0345386 Design Portfolio /Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Instructions Week 2  25/09/2024 Discuss about jobs in a multimedia design company that provides advertising and promotion services. Advised to focus on campaign or creative strategy design instead of just a generic designer. Focus on creative strategy for advertising campaigns that use social media content creators as partners or Outsourced creators. To research and showcase studies of successful advertising campaigns that use multiple social media content creators Focus on how brand consistency and campaign communication consistency are maintained across various content creators. Week 3  02/10/2024   Week 3 - Compile Ideas & Research  Week 3 - SWOT Analysis This week, I focused on refining the direction and purpose of ArtGather by reviewing seniors’ projects for inspiration and i...

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